Infrastructure & Utilities
Foundations for every business
Clean energy leadership balanced with customer value
Xcel Energy is the largest investor owned utility in Colorado and offers electricity and gas service to residential, commercial, and industrial customers in much of the state including the City of Aurora. It delivers the trifecta of value – clean, reliable, and affordable energy – and has one of the most aggressive plans to get to a carbon-free future by 2050. Unlike other utilities in the United States, Xcel Energy’s proactive approach to carbon-free generation has allowed it to continue providing its customers reliability and affordability while aggressively reducing carbon emissions. Customers in Colorado had less than one outage per year in 2018, a .98 SAIFI score to be precise. On top of this, Xcel Energy offers a best-in-class customer choice portfolio for renewable energy, demand side management, and specialized programs that help businesses take advantage of custom incentives.
Locating in Aurora means having a leg up because you’re locating in Xcel Energy’s service territory. You can take advantage of the certified sites program to remove the guesswork from infrastructure in the site selection process. Or choose the renewable energy options that align with your company’s environmental goals. Or use energy efficiency programs that can lower your operating costs before you even start construction. And you can expect predictably affordable energy even as carbon reduction increases.
Xcel Energy resources
Learn more about electricity and natural gas service plus other programs available to your company.
Lower price
Affordable electricity rates
Colorado electricity rates are generally lower than the national average and states on the coasts like California, New York, and Washington, D.C.
Colorado’s water
As a headwaters state, the majority of Colorado’s water in our rivers originate from snowmelt from the Rocky Mountains.
City of Aurora Water
Aurora’s water supply is derived primarily from the Colorado, Arkansas, and South Platte River basins. However, a small percentage of Aurora’s water is derived from deep aquifer groundwater wells, too. Last, but certainly not least, Aurora has an innovative water reuse project, Prairie Waters, that increases the overall yield of the water supply system. The city’s water department oversees water quality in addition to current and future demand.
Broadband service
Overall, internet connection is spread consistently across Colorado and 90% of Coloradans have access to broadband 100 mbps or faster. Aurora has the second highest average download speed at 92.4 mbps among Colorado’s five largest cities, besting Denver and Colorado Springs. Fiberoptic service is available in some areas. Comcast and Lumen Technologies are two of the largest providers.